New to Montessori? What to expect.

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September, 2015


Starting a new year in a Montessori environment is a very exciting time!  Here are some things you can expect at the start of the new school year.

  • The first few days (and weeks) of school can be nerve wracking. Talk to your child about how they feel about going to/going back to school and about how you felt on your first day of school.
  • Students are to be left just inside the front door, at the cubby area. Quick exits are actually best to help your child adjust to their classmates.
  • Upon returning to pick up your child, it is important to give them your undivided attention.  Remember, they haven’t seen you for several hours and after a full day at school are likely to have a lot to tell you.  If you would like to chat with other parents, please try to do this outside the school before coming in to greet your child.
  • For a child returning to the same environment, you might ask him or her to relate the things that are the same or different as compared to last year.
  • Expect at least a six-week adjustment period in their new environment (“normalization” period, please read my previous blog entry Summer 2015 – The Montessori Classroom for more on this topic).
  • Returning students become role models and leaders for new friends in the classroom
  • Expect to wait about six weeks before volunteering in the classroom.  This will allow us time to familiarize your children with Montessori materials and classroom rules, also known as the “normalization” period.
  • Likewise, expect to wait at least six weeks before any parent/teacher conferences will be scheduled.  See the “normalization” remarks in previous point.

As always, the entire staff at Brookside is looking forward to the start of a new year and to working with your children.

Susan Curley Owner and Directress